Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things That Annoy Me Thursday

It annoys me when people use the word "literally" wrong, though I admit that I have done this before.  (Do you ever just annoy yourself?)  For your information, people of the world, the word actually means the opposite of "figuratively".  However, you all (okay, and sometimes me) seem to want to use it as a way to exaggerate, thus losing its true and wonderful meaning somewhere along the way.  And this is the reason it bothers me; the word is such a powerful one when used correctly.  For example, if you say someone was literally laying down on the job, you better mean that that person was horizontal.  You know what? Robert Pattinson does this a lot.  Go listen to one of his interviews and if you watch for it (it's not hard), it will start driving you crazy too.  Literally.  (Sorry.)


  1. I hate when people use a word, or phrase in the whole wrong context or use it just totally wrong. There are so MANY time when people do this, and it is so hard not to correct someone, which people hate by the way.
    One word that I hate, and have to hear weekly from family is bath. Now that might seem like a harmless or even nice word, I mean who doesn't like a bath, right?
    Well I have a couple family members who use it in the present tense, not past, so they say "I have to bath my kids."or "I just bathed my kids." when they say bathed, the emphasis is on the a, as in ahh.
    Oh how I hate it! It sets my teeth on edge, and cringe at how stupid they are making themselves sound.
    I have told them that is not how you say it, nicely of course, but they refuse to change! They want to sound like inbred, backwoods hillbillies!
    So now, since I know that they purposely choose to say bath, I say that I am going to bathe my kids, or they just got out of the bath.
    I know I'm a snotty know-it-all.

  2. Alright I have another thing that annoys me.
    I know that sometime I might do this, but usually it is used to show how ridiculous it really it. I was just reading some postings on Facebook, and I noticed how many people WAY over-use the exclamation!!!!!!!!!!
    I can see every now and then, or even once in a posting when you are really excited (like you won the lotto, are getting published, or a hot neighbor is mowing the lawn shirtless, glistening with sweat, his muscles rippling as he pushes the mower....anyway). But I see people doing every sentence, and every time they post. Their lives are just not that exciting!!!!!!!
    Now, if we are taking about our lives, that would warrant exclamation points :)
